Safe School: It is important for our school to be safe in order for students to learn effectively. It is not fair that any individual(s) be allowed to disrupt the educational process. Inappropriate student behavior will not be tolerated on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities either on or off campus, or in a location that will reflect negatively upon Conway School.
Positive Behavior Supports: At Conway, we have a school-wide behavior system called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support). PBIS is a framework to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence. As part of the PBIS framework, we have established clear rules for the behaviors we expect in all areas of our school. These expectations are explained in our Behavior Matrix, which you will find on our website and see posted throughout the school. We will teach these expectations to the students throughout the year and provide reteaching lessons as needed. The expectations for all student behaviors will be clear throughout our classrooms, playground, lunchroom, gym, bathrooms, and hallways. We believe that by helping students practice good behavior, we will build a school community where all students can learn. Our expectations will provide a school environment where more time is spent instructing and less time spent disciplining. If your child does have a discipline concern, an office discipline referral will be completed.
Conway School’s FOUR B’s: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Kind